New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Saturday, February 15, 2025
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The Lake in General

From the book Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1852

The Illustration: A Bit of Lake
The Artist:E. W. Kemble
Source: href="">Project

The Painting: Lugger Landing, Esplanade Avenue (Old Basin Canal) 1917
The Artist:
Robert Grafton (1876-1936)
Source: href="">Louisiana State

Title of Sculpture: Fountain of the Winds
Set in the
fountain at the New Orleans Lakefront Airport--formerly named 'Shushan Airport. Sculpted during the 1930's under the WPA program

The Artist: Enrique Alfarez
New Orleans Public

The Painting: PONTCHARTRAIN, 1997
The Artist: Robert Colescott

Color sugar lift and
spit bite aquatints with aquatint, soft ground etching and drypoint
46-1/4 x 117'

Source: href="">

Seawall At Sunset by Kerry
Source: href="">

Perhaps not art--this is a 1941

I had to include it because it reminds me of my dear Father's
limerick--often told at our camp on the Lake:

A wise old bird is the Pelican
His beak can hold more than his
belly can
In his beak he can hold food for more than a week
And I
still don't know how the hell he can

Thanks Dad (Vincent Campanella--owner with my mother Meredith of