New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Friday, July 26, 2024
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Going to Bozo's for erstas. I'll be at the ersta bar if anyone wants to join in.

How awe da raw ones "runnin', CopCop? Haven't had any in few weeks but Ah hoid dey on'na decline. Shooah hope not.
Mr. Lake

ya gotta give us moah notice den nat. it's froddy night and we fahnly free ta go out an ya pick up an take off wittout us. i see how ya awe.

Dem erstaz aw still some good, YEAH! Just got home an Ah yoozed da sod daw not da bat'room winda, Towanda! an Ah ate some great erstaz at Bozos, dey still nice an' sawltee!