New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Live Chickens for Dinner

Into the 50's, we were still buying live chickens. A poultry store on St. Claude sold them. The chickens were kept in small cages. We would pick out the one we wanted and the proprietor would proceed with the ritual ringing and plucking.

We did it ourselves at the camp in Little Woods. My great grandmother would chase the chicken and proceed. Neither my grandmother nor my mother could stomach the process. I always felt that if one enjoys the rewards of a process, one can't - in all good concience, truthfully object to the process. That would be called a State of Denial, not a Concientious Objector.
I remember live chickens at a market on North Claiborne and I think St. Bernard Ave. We passed it on our way to da St. Vincent Cemetery.