New Orleans History -- Lake Pontchartrain
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Jax Beer & Brewery

The beer is gone, but the brewery lives on in a new incarnation--a shopping mall:

Jax Beer--I was too young when they still made it to know what it tasted like. I do remember my mother bringing my friends and I down to Brennan's for lunch as an 8th grade graduation present. We suburban girls were very impressed and thought we were SO classy. After this grand event we walked over to Jackson Square.

In the square was a guy all decked out like Andrew Jackson on a big white horse. They were shooting a commercial for Jax Beer, which I think at that time (1969) was called Fabacher Beer. Remember those commercials? Something like somebody calling it "Jax" and somebody else arguing that it was "Fabacher".